11 April 2015
Casa Daros, Rio de Janeiro
15 August 2015
Casa das Rosas, São Paulo
Obra do poeta Haroldo de Campos vira um múltiplo com 32 peças [Estadão]
As galáxias de Haroldo de Campos e Antonio Dias, 40 anos depois [O GLOBO]
Associate editor | Leonel Kaz
Finishing | Maíra Atti and Laura Yanina
Binding | Palmarium
Assistants | Erilma Leal and Julia Leite
Acrylic | Joana Angert
Printing| Studio Alfa and Zen Serigrafia
Letter press | Estúdio Baren
Hotstamping | Valter Damião
Foam | Spumapaper
Mirrors | Artes e Ofícios
Woodwork | Eduardo Juannes
External box | Deusirene Francisco
Video | Ana Bertazzo and Estudio Cru
Photography | Maurício Nahas
Imaging | Orlando Lemos and Inês Coimbra
Antonio Dias and Haroldo de Campos
Conceived by Antonio Dias, together with poet Haroldo de Campos (1929-2003) in the early 1970s, “galáxias” has the same name as the famous poem-book of the concretist poet. More than 40 years later, the project has the participation of designer Lucia Bertazzo for its production.
The edition of 93 copies in a large format – 70cm x 50cm, 7cm thick – “galáxias” consists of a fiberglass case covered in fabric (each numbered and signed by the artist).
Inside the case are 32 graphic works, grouped and enclosed in 10 wooden boxes with a skin motiv print, a recurrent theme in the artist’s work.
These objects of art – all processed by hand – follow the artistic career of Antonio Dias during the 1970s. An artist’s book? More than that: a true art installation in a box!
The production of "galáxias", by UQ / Aprazível Edições, required four years of careful work, with hundreds of trials and prototypes, and a huge diversity of materials used: fabric, acrylic, foam, plastic, cotton, parchment. Printing was also in a variety of forms such as typography, hot stamping, silkscreen and au pouchoir.
Public collections
MAC (Collection João Sattamini), Niterói
MAM (Collection Gilberto Chateaubriand), Rio de Janeiro
Pinacoteca, São Paulo
Daros, Zurich
MoMA, New York