Leo Battistelli
"Las Esferas de la Percepción" is the title of the still unpublished book by Leo Battistelli, edited by UQ Editions. Each is a unique object, consisting of an acrylic base (which goes to the wall with 70 x 50 cm) supporting colored ceramic spheres. Along with the object, an incredible handmade book, with the surface of the cover also with ceramic elements, cotton paper of 300 grams and printing in Fine Art. Each object is part of the molecular structure of hallucinogenic plants that, according to the artist, expose the similarities of plant and human chemical structures. It was the same understanding of the work of Leo that had the physicist Marcelo Gleiser, author of the textbook of the Las Spheres de la Percépcion: "As we look at Battistelli's work, the dance of colors, the superposition of symmetry and asymmetry, the mixing of molecular science with the distorted and extended experience of reality, we glimpse our essence, flirting, even for ephemeral moments, with the mystery of Creation. "There are four molecules. The set of only one of them will result in a truly dazzling look.
28 copies
27-30 september 2018
Art Rio, Rio de Janeiro
Marcia Barrozo do Amaral Galeria de Arte
Editorial planning:
Lucia Bertazzo and Leonel Kaz
Text: Marcelo Gleiser
Translation: Marina Mariasch & Camila do Valle
Production: Julia Leite
Photos: Nana Moraes
Image Processing: Inés Coimbra
Paper: Museum Etching Hahnehmühle
Binding: Palmarium
Acrylic Base: Joana Angert
External wood box: Marcenaria Costa Verde

Acrylic Base
50 x 70 cm
Colored ceramic espheres
UQ! Aprazível Edições, 2017
Portuguese edition
Format 50 x 70 cm
Print on Museum Etching Hahnehmühle paper, 300 grams
28 copies with unique works